15 Apr

While unions offer the greatest protection to those most vulnerable,  employees who see themselves as not being in need of union membership have found themselves at a loss when poor decisions cannot be addressed in a colleagiate manner or a dispute threatens the career of an academic.

Consider that:

- Representation matters. As issues are raised and prioritised by the amount of support it gets from its membership, so the union is guided in what requires action.

- Activism versus Apathy.  People often discuss the decline of society/the country/education as if they are not part of the ecosystem - they can make meaningful change happen. Unions have to use volunteers to fight for those who cannot and are often watched by those who will not help.

- "For evil to flourish, it only requires good men to do nothing." This famous quote by Simon Wiesenthal encapsulates the idea that those who stand by, may ultimately be as responsible for the bad things that happen as those who performed the actions.

CPUEU grew from the roots of sepate academic and support staff unions. Often the issues were universal and there was an understanding that fighting together for the greater good would be better than only fighting for issues that affect academics.

The devicive idea that academics are elevated above those who earn their keep in 'lesser' ways appears to be something unique to universities (in South Africa).

In Britain, the University and College Union are categorised as a union for academics, but boldly advocate on behalf of workplace issues for all workers. This is the essence of our very South African Ubuntu, after all.

CPUEU hopes to add you to its membership and contributions to improving our workplace.

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